Saturday, March 10, 2007

Of Needles and Squirrels

When Ikelah tagged me, I was a bit stunned. Honestly, what kind of weird things would a man of my age have left inside of me? But anyway, since he's such a good friend, I don't mind scavenging my 'box of memories' in search of perhaps some of the more crazy things I might have done as a young adult.

Note to family members: IF you happen to come across this, don't think of it as an opportunity to take personal swipes at me. You are not allowed to do so, so long as I'm the first to rise in the household.

One more thing: I do hope that I'm not revealing myself too much by telling you all these things.

1. I am, what you could call, a regular visitor of the gents. This however, has nothing to do with a lack of control over my bladder. Instead, it is an attribute of my water drinking habit. I drink a lot of water - something common with the Chinese - to the extent that I will make several trips to the loo in a day. My children have in the past, nicknamed me "The Pee-man". Now you know the real meaning behind the nickname Pycno - which is pronounced as Pee-no, mind you, or...should I change it to Pee-yes now? :)

2. As much as I frequent the toilet, I floss my teeth even more frequently. In fact, I can floss more than I brush. This would be a habit that I picked up during my days as a student overseas. So Mynn, I do hope you'll join me in a floss fiesta once you come back.

3. I suppose you already know how much I love to shop for clothes. However, what you don't know is that, when I like a particular article of clothing, I will buy several 'copies' of it - in different colours.

4. I am afraid of needles. In fact, I avoid them as one would avoid the plague. I hold so much terror in my heart for the thing, that when I was going for my hajj, I tried convincing the doctor in charge of my check up to skip the poking bit of the process. Thank goodness, I managed to pull it off. Ha'ah kan? What reason did I give to him? I've forgotten already.

5. I'm an old faithful - though this hardly counts as weird since I know of several other people who are also the same.

6. I have this unusual compulsion to hide the things that I've bought - and clothes would be right at the top of the list. In the end, I forget where I've hidden them. Bea calls me a squirrel for this trait of mine. Well, at least the next time we want to hold a treasure hunt, we needn't go to the woods or parks. It'd be enough just to hunt down all my past purchases scattered around the house.

So, how about that? Go on ikelah...have a good laugh. After all, laughter is always the BEST medicine. I hope my list of eccentricities would be therapeutic. Take care and ....semoga cepat sembuh. ;)


dith said...

How many litres of water do you drink in a day? 3-4?

Re: flossing. I am sure with that habit, you neednt visit the dentist eh? Speaking of which, I need to see one very soon! Yikes!! ( i hate dentists!)

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Don't really know. I just drink. Of course on long journeys, I reduce my fluid intake :)

I wish I started this flossing habit earlier. I'd have avoided all those unneccessary fillings then. And don't you postpone in going to see the dentist.

Mama Sarah said...

hehe... no.4 - i wonder myself how can one get away with it eh? you're from the Superman clan? cucuk tak tembus punya.

pycnogenol said...

Mama Sarah - Where there is a will, there is a way, kan?

Looking back, I dont think it was the trait of Superman....Superfool would better describe silly Pycno then. ;)

Anonymous said...

pee related to pycno? woow. i have been rereading it since yesterday about this pee-man and the pee-no/pycno. what a similarity. i cant help smiling reading it. ;)

no1 and 2 a nice package....

no.3 i'll do that too if i really like it. :)

no. 4 a risky way to go to hajj without the meningococcal vac. anyway, i am afraid of needles too, the intramuscular injection. anyway i could tolerate the venepunctures.

no.5, 6 hehehe. is no 5 really weird?