Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Belum Tentu Berapa Hari dan Berapa Malam

I know many cannot stand this song, not because that it's not a beautiful melody, but simply because a certain 'Malaysian sweetheart' happens to like it so much, just before her wedding day for reasons only known to her. Even Bea cannot stand listening to this tune. But fair and non-partisan Pycno will never allow emotions to rule his decision.

I've always loved this song, and it does not matter who else happens to like it too. Even if it is the worst of my enemies, I'll at least give that person credit for having the same good taste in music. So Bea, much as I can understand the reason why you cannot be listening and admiring this song so much loved by Malaysian's sweetheart, I still feel that you should not allow your emotions to rule your judgement, unless you honestly despise it. The song I mean.

So to keep it safe, I'm not dedicating this song to anybody else other than myself. Thank you :)

P.s. I'm going away for a short holiday to Penang and Kota Bharu, Kelantan. I'll be back at the end of next week. I know Yoshi that you'll be going to Cameron Highlands. Maybe I should drop by to meet you on my way to Penang? *wink*wink*

Tak apalah. Cukuplah kita berjumpa di Langkawi dulu, ye?


Arifah said...


Am I the only yg tak penah meet you? =D

Anonymous said...

nice song. i like it..... hehehe nanti sure ada orang perli.

last sekali masuk nampak video adeeba.... tetiba laju dengan banyak entry. :)

i m ok.... but poor endurance. still working at office hours. thanks for being thoughtful.

so...selamat makan angin ke penang untuk perjalanan tahun ini.

for your info, we dont have proper internet access at home for almost 2 weeks. :(

sarahss said...

langkawi?my kampung..huhu. selamat berjumpa hiyoshi (if ever so you meet him).

Anonymous said...

what is the song pycno? i'm afraid at work I couldn't hear it but insya allah tomorrow I'm going home so ill listen to it then. i've always been interested in your affinity to music & songs. as for me, i do occasionally listen to music, but i rarely tell people what my taste in music is - to me, telling what music you like gives deep insights into your personality :D - too deep for me to allow people to see :)

Mama Sarah said...

selamat bercuti. taking Elvis along or not?

dith said...

Bangkok, Penang, KB, Pd....bila nak ke TC?

Melodi lagu ni memang berhantu. I think the person who composed this tune is very creative and the lyricist must have had a difficult time to make lyrics to fit the complex tune. Itu yg timbul ayat2 pelik seperti "kau selalu aja"...hehe

But don't mind me..

Anonymous said...

kan indon ni creative and artistic. suara mereka pun memang best, cuma tak de duit je untuk yang kat kampung tu nak mengenengahkan diri.

ifos said...

Haha... I like the song, but the version sung by our 'sweetheart' was horrible. Heh.

Mak, I think you meant 'kau selalu ada'. ;)

Jamil said...

I've never heard the Malaysian sweetheart's rendition of the song, but I have heard my friends hum the tune in class.

Most probably because they were getting sleepy ~

Mama Sarah said...

ifos n hiyoshi, siapa malaysian 'sweetheart' ni? busybody pula nak tahu...

Jamil said...

Puan Mama Sarah

I'll give you a clue then! She's married to a letter of the alphabet.

pycnogenol said...

Afie - You dont have to be jealous Afie. And no, you're not the only one who has not met Pycno. Mynn and Mama Sarah pun tak sabar-sabar nak jumpa 'the mystery man'
Tell you what Afie. Meeting Pycno is not all that difficult. You can just ask Mama to start chopping and Papa to start grilling. Uncle Pycno is very obliging and will simply follow the aroma all the way to Bandar Baru Bangi :)

Ikelah - Hi there Ikelah! Good to 'see' and hear again from you!!
I know you'll like the song. ;) Never mind all those who 'perli-perli' The melody and lyrics are both haunting, dont you think so? If only you can just sneak quietly behind Pycno's back, you will surely catch him humming to the tune....selalu ada.....kau selalu ada.... ;)

Sarahss - Really? Langkawi your kampung? I'll be in Langkawi again (on official duty unfortunately) this coming 26th June till end of the month. If you happen to be back for the hols, we can meet up. I'll be free in the evenings. Bring Papa and Mama sekali. Of course they would want to chaperone their Snow White, not that there's really nothing to fear about this harmless little dwarf ;)

Mynn - Heard the song yet, Mynn? It's the OST for the Indonesion movie Dealova.

Oh dear, have you been psycho-analysing pycno then through his taste in music? Nampaknya pcyno kena cepat-cepat cari lagu asli atau keroncong.

So what's your taste in music like Mynn? Rocker at heart, or light and easy (like pycno), or country? Or is it perhaps nursery rhymes, sung by Teletubbies?

Mama Sarah - Elvis is not with me this time. Bea was taking care of that naughty little fellow.

DITH - Honestly, on one hand I do want to go to TC, but on the other, I would hate to be of a burden to its habitants. Do you mind if I just creep in quietly without raising an alarm? For all you know, I could have been walking along the beaches of TC already.

Ikelah again - Just like you and me la. Cuma takde duit nak buat album. Kalau ada, mesti meletup-letup dah album kita di pasaran :)

iFos - I have to agree with you. She has a nice voice, but her rendition of the song was nothing near to her usual repertoire. Come to think of it, can anyone come close to the original singer himself?

Hiyoshi - Believe me, you have not missed anything.

Mama Sarah - It's high time you come back to Malaysia. We even have a singer sharing your name. The only thing is, she is not a Mama yet.

Hiyoshi - Thanks! So, Mama Sarah..still flickering like the fluorescent bulb in search on an answer? I hope not :)

Everybody - I don't know about you, but personally, I feel that this is a really good song that I can never get tired of - especially the first couple of verses. So guess the song will linger here for a little bit longer.

Anonymous said...

yup i've heard the song pycno - i quickly asked puan mama sarah for some tissues ...

... to wipe the vomit(no offense! it's the song, not you) Puan mama sarah seemed to like it though.

yes I've been pycno-analysing you through your playlist - of course i can't tell your ins-and-outs but of course the songs one listens to reflect slightly the listener's personality, right?

as for me pycno - no i'm not a rocker at heart. prior to this i don't even listen to much - but lately i've been inclined to again. i'll post songs i like on my blog as they turn up, shall i?

pycnogenol said...

Mynn - But I've always thought you were a romantic at heart, no?