Friday, July 21, 2006

Today is my birthday. Since I started blogging a couple of years ago, I always try to have an entry, and in all of my birthday entries, I always try to reveal just a little bit more of myself. For those who came to the Hari Raya gathering, they would know who Pycno is by now, but they were ALL made to take the Lord Baden Powell’s oath never to reveal Pycno’s identity, for reasons already made known to them. My good friends, you too will all get to know me sooner or later. It’s just that, for now, I still am not prepared to reveal my true identity in blog land. In short, Pycno lebih senang mengenali anda semua di alam nyata, bukan di alam maya. Di alam cyber ini, biarlah Pycno terus ber -RAHSIA……………………….

Having said that, I’m pretty sure you already know me from reading some, if not all of my entries and my comments too, at some of your sites. This year, let me share with you some of my traits that I’ve extracted from a couple of sites describing about people born under this star sign CANCER, and that is me. ;)

“CANCER is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Moon. CANCER is the most sensitive sign and is the strongest of the water signs. The changes in the Moon, CANCERS ruling planet, affect them at every moment of their life. Like the Moon and like the force of water, they can exert an amazing yet undetectable power over others. The Moon via Water combo can be likened to the shifting tides of the oceans. Like the tides, CANCER is the sign of powerful forces moving under the surface. That surface, however, is quite difficult to penetrate, for CANCERIANS tend to build up an elaborate array of defenses to hide their deep feelings and extreme sensitivity.

CANCERS are easily hurt by the slights of others. These are very complex people, sometimes appearing extremely strong and at other times to be as vulnerable as a child. Very few people ever really understand CANCERS; therefore they never receive the necessary understanding from others. CANCERS individuals are intelligent, organized, generous, and tenacious. CANCERS needs constant support and encouragement. They want desperately to be loved and approved of but resent needing approval so badly. When they get what they need, they give the best they have in return. When a CANCER really care for someone there is nothing anyone can say about that person that will make the least bit of difference. People may pour their hearts out to a CANCER, but the flow never goes in the other direction. They guard their secrets well.

CANCER'S symbol, the crab, has a hard outer shell that protects soft, vulnerable flesh underneath. The same is true of CANCERIANS, who are often crusty, gruff and grumpy, but possess a proverbial heart of gold. Beneath their tough exterior they are a sentimental softy who will make any sacrifice for someone in need. CANCERS are devoted to family and home and continue to believe in the old fashioned idea that marriage is forever, even if the events of their own life contradict this. It is hard to deceive a CANCER, for they can spot the tiniest subtle variations of behavior. In fact, they are almost psychic in their intuitions. A photographic memory added to intense powers of observation makes them extremely cautious about divining other people's inner motivations.

If channeled in the right direction, the CANCERS enormous sensitivity can be a great source of strength. Once they overcome their touchiness and master their turbulent emotions, their intellect and imagination enable them to become a success in almost anything they undertake.

The CANCER lover is extremely romantic and passionate people. They enjoy all the traditional rituals of wooing and winning a sweetheart and usually opt for marriage or a long-term relationship. They make loyal mates and will champion their spouse's career and expect the same in return. These individuals are intensely attuned to the needs and wants of their partner; they are exceptionally sensitive lovers. A CANCERIAN never gets enough love and approval; they always need more. It is very easy to fall in love with this loyal, devoted, affectionate, and protective Moonchild.

The CANCER friend with their gentle and caring spirit, CANCERIANS are the ones to whom others turn with problems, worries and life choice concerns. Despite their ability to support and nurture their pals, they do not make friends easily. This may be because they take friendship seriously and don't bother to indulge in superficial associations. They are often shy people who wait for friendships to develop instead of actively pursuing them. In general, CANCER likes friends who will support his or her emotional and financial needs when necessary and CANCER will reciprocate.

At another site, CANCER has been described as:

In the Sign of Cancer the heavens are developing the feeling side of things. This is what a true Cancerian is all about - feelings. Where Aries will tend to err on the side of action, Taurus on the side of inaction and Gemini on the side of thought, Cancer will tend to err on the side of feeling.
Cancerians tend to mistrust logic. Perhaps rightfully so. For them it is not enough for an argument or a project to be logical - it must feel right as well. If it is does not feel right a Cancerian will reject it or chafe against it. The phrase 'follow your heart' could have been coined by a Cancerian, because it describes exactly the Cancerian attitude to life.
The power to feel is a more direct - more immediate - method of knowing than thinking is. Thinking is indirect. Thinking about a thing never touches a thing itself. Feeling is a faculty that touches directly the thing or issue in question. We actually experience it. Emotional feeling is almost like another sense which humans possess - a psychic sense. Since the realities that we come in contact with during our lifetime are often painful and even destructive, it is not surprising that the Cancerian chooses to erect barriers - a shell - to protect his or her vulnerable, sensitive nature. To a Cancerian this is only common sense.
If Cancerians are in the presense of people they do not know, or find themselves in a hostile environment, up goes the shell and they feel protected. Other people often complain about this, but one must question these other people's motives. Why does this shell disturb them? Is it perhaps because they would like to sting, and feel frustrated that they cannot? If your intentions are honourable and you are patient, have no fear. The shell will open up and you will be accepted as part of the Cancerian's circle of family and friends.
Thought-processes are generally analytic and dissociating. In order to think clearly we must make distinctions, comparisons and the like. But feeling is unifying and integrative.
To think clearly about something you have to distnace yourself from it. To feel something you must get close to it. Once a Cancerian has accepted you as a friend he or she will hang on. You have to be really bad to lose the friendship of a Cancerian. If you are related to Cancerians they will never let you go no matter what you do. They will always try to maintain some kind of connection even in the most extreme circumstanses.

The Cancer-born has a deep sense of what other people feel about things and why they feel as they do. This faculty is a great asset in the workplace and in the business world. Of course it is also idispensable in raising a family and building a home, but it also has its uses in business. Cancerians often attain great wealth in a family type of business. Even if the business is not a family operation, they will treat it as one. If the Cancerian works for somebody else, then the boss is the parental figure and the co-workers are brothers and sisters. If a Cancerian is the boss, then all the workers are his or her children.Cancerians like the feeling of being providers for others. They enjoy knowing that others derive their sustenance because of what they do. It is another form of nurturing.
With Leo on their Solar 2nd House (of Money) cusp, Cancerians are often lucky speculators, especially with residental property or hotels and restaurants. Resort hotels and nightclubs are also profitable for the Cancerian. Waterside propeties allure them. Though they are basically conventional people, they sometimes like to earn their livelihood in glamorous ways.
The Sun, Cancer's Money Planet, represents an important financial message: in finacial matters Cancerians need to be less moody, more stable and fixed. They cannot allow their moods - which are here today and gone tomorrow - to get in the way of their business lives. They need to develop their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth if they are to realize their greatest financial potential.

Career and Public Image
Aries rules the 10th Solar House (of Career) cusp of Cancer, which indicates that Cancerians long to start their own business, to be more active publicly and politically and to be more independent. Family responsibilities and fear of hurting other people's feelings - or getting hurt themselves - often inhibit them from attaining these goals. However, this is what they want and long to do.
Cancerians like their bosses and leaders to act freely and to be a bit self-willed. They can deal with that in a superior. Cancerians expect their leaders to be fierce on their behalf.
When the Cancerians is in the position of boss he or she behaves very much like a 'warlord'. Of course the wars they wage are not egocentric but in defence of those under their care. If they lack some of this fighting instinct - independence and pioneering spirit - Cancerians will have extreme difficulty in attaining their highest career goals. They will be hampered in their attempts to lead others.
Since they are so parental, Cancerians like to work with children and make great educators and teachers.

Love and Relationships
Like Taurus, Cancer likes commited relatonships. Cancerians function best when the relationships is clearly defined and everyone knows his or her role. When they marry it is usually for life. They are extremely loyal to their beloved. The family is the ultimate end for them.
If you are in love with a Cancerian you must tread lightly on his or her feelings. It will take you a good deal of time to realize how deep and sensitive Cancerians can be. The smallest negativity upsets them. Your tone voice, your irritation, a look in your eye, an expression on your face can cause great distress for the Cancerian. Your slightest gesture is registered by them and reacted to. This can be hard to get used to, but stick by your love - Cancerians make great partners once you learn how to deal with them. Your Cancerian lover will react not so mich to what you say but to the way you are actually feeling at the moment.

Home and Domestic Life
This is where Cancerians really excell. The home environment and the family are their personal works of art. They strive to make things of beauty that will outlast them. Very often they succeded.
Cancerians feel very close to their family, their relatives and especially their mothers. These bonds last throughout their lives and mature as they grow older. They are very fond of those members of their family who become successful, and they are also quite attached to family heirlooms and mementos. Cancerians also love children and like to provide them with all the things they need and want. With their nurturing, feeling nature, Cancerians make very good parents - especially the Cancerian woman, who is the mother par excellence of the Zodiac.
As a parent the Cancerian's attitude is 'my children right or wrong'. Unconditional devotion is the order of the day. No matter what a family member does, the Cancerian will eventually forgive him or her, because 'you are, after all, family'. The preservation of the institution - the tradition - of the family is one of the Cancerian's main reasons for living. They have many lessons to teach others about it.
Being so family- orientated, the Cancerian's home is always clean, orderly and comfortable. They like old-fashioned furnishing but they also like to have all the modern comforts. Cancerians love to have family and friends over, to organize parties and to entertain at home - they make great hosts.

Honestly, I find the above description so very amazing. I could not have come up with a better description of the things that are close to my heart, the things that can make me happy and sad, things that I can tolerate and things that I just cannot stand.

Lastly, thank you all for the kind wishes. I’m still waiting for another son to come home. Guess celebration will have to be postponed till tomorrow. :(


dith said...

CANCER'S symbol, the crab, has a hard outer shell that protects soft, vulnerable flesh underneath. <===how proverbial!

I have always found this horoscope thingy eerily acurate. But then again, the many detailed descriptions often overlap with other signs and that makes one wonder if it is all fluke??! Never mind me!

So with this lengthy description of himself, I am sure most of us already know Pycno in and out.

So perlu ber rahsia lagi ke? Siti pon dah tak berahsia lagi!

Mama Sarah said...

I have always found this horoscope thingy eerily acurate. But then again, the many detailed descriptions often overlap with other signs and that makes one wonder if it is all fluke??! Never mind me!

Yes, yes, i feel the same DITH and yes, never mind me!

Happy birthday Pycno. Mind me asking how old is your Elvis?

Mama Pongkey said...

Happy Birthday Pycno!! May Allah ta'ala grant you countless blessings and maghfirah in this world and the next, amiin.

*am still wondering when I would get to meet the Real Pycno and Bea..*

Mama Sarah said...

Pycno, is Bea going to make a special entry for your birthday? And may be you might want to persuade her to "move house" too.

mynn said...

entah2 pycno is ....

Dato K!

oh no!!!

mynn said...

Bie & DITH

speaking of "cancer" teringat joke kat Maman punya blog animal planet yang i tergolek gelak tu.

dith said...

Mynn- bukan blog Maman, Ifos la..hehe

Pycno- Kalau you Dato K, Bea Datin K...haha

Btw- when I told my sis OG that Siti cant resist the Tom Selleck dimple, she quipped : itu bukan dimple but scar incurred by injury from an ex bf of ex wife...ish macam macam!

Mama Sarah said...

DITH: what??? dato K's dimple was from ex BF?????

qchdflgk <-- rasa mcm akan salah lagi. esp bila ada the letter q

Mama Sarah said...

pycno kata, DITH dah jumpa pycno in real life. Kalau betul pycno = dato K, mesti DITH tak keluarkan statement2 yg mengandungi perkataan 'menyampah' dsb nya.

tapi somehow, i rasa pycno is someone famous or has an important title infront of his name.

tulah pycno, rahsia lagi. tgk apa i dah rekacipta.

pycno jgn ambik hati, you cancerian, you sensitive you.

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Indeed. You have ALL known pycno, irrespective of whether we have met or not. That's how transparent I have been in all of my 'straight-from-the-heart' entries..

Mama Sarah - Elvis will be 9 this September. I know what you're up to Mama.....trying to figure out my age, kan?

Kenakelayan - We almost met one another, didnt we? (Remember when you were in KL and both you and Bea were exchanging sms)....tapi awak demam pula masa tu. :(

Mama Sarah again - I doubt it very much. Bea is one lazy blogger. I guess blogging is not really her cup of tea (though she reads most of your entries) I think she's more like Sarah (DITH's eldest daughter) We have not been successful in enticing her to blog too.

Mynn - If Pycno is Dato K, he is one LUCKY man...hehe...Unfortunately, rahsia Pycno tidak bernilai berjuta....Baju pengantin dulu pun baju yang disewa saja, tak ada orang yang nak sponsor pun...huhu..:(

DITH - If Bea is Datin K, she's one miserable Datin now....her Datinship is about to be stripped by a younger contender. But I'm pretty sure, after her court case, she'll be crying happily ALL the way to the bank...

DITH and Mama Sarah - To be fair to Dato K, I think he is quite handsome. The smile, the dimple and the 'misai tebal' ala-Tom Selleck all adds up to the charm, kan? Lembik lutut Siti dibuat nya...;)

And Mama Sarah again - Pandai juga Mama buat deductions...hehe...

Dont worry about all the teka-teki tu. Ada orang yang kata Pycno ni, Izham Omar lah, Azhar Sulaiman lah, Dato Jins Shamsuddin lah and of course the latest, Dato K....hahahaha....tu lah yang tak nak 'reveal identity' lagi tu...biarlah RAHSIA....

p/s: Heran nya, tak ada pula yang nak teka Wahid Satay ke, Aziz Satar ke or Osman Kering....You guys pandai betul jaga hati Pycno....mentang-mentang lah kita ni sensitif......;)))

Mama Sarah said...

DITH macam mana i boleh baca the scar was from ex BF OR ex wife.

bila baca sekali lagi, rupanya ex bf of ex wife. isykh. apa lah. rasa baca dah cukup teliti tadi.

anyway, wuishh, susah2 dapat scar from ex bf of ex wife, sekarang sedap je melepaskan utk dapat kan si honda city tu yea?

you know what, i can sooo imagine myself, when i turn 43/47; i might be getting worried of my Dato Mynn getting involved with celebrities... nauzubillah.

saya doa, supaya Dato Mynn tidak punyai misai tebal seperti Dato K.

Mama Sarah said...

sorry pycno, spamming your comment box.

I'm not trying to figure out your age. if you can remember a couple of days back, you commented on mynn's blog that you were 28 x 2 of his age.

I immediately had this image of pycno serupa dgn Dato K in my mind, tapi sebenarnya i calculated wrongly.

28 x 2 is not 46 or 47.

There's something else I was trying to figure out. Tapi i think i have the answer already.

Anonymous said...

Mama Sarah-

28 x 2 =73 (psst..senyap ek, kawe Mathematik tak berape cekap...)

Tua benor si Pycno tu yek? Seingat kawe ler , masa jumpa ari tuh, tak bertongkat lagi. Uban pon belom. Awet muda ler tu!

Dato' Mynn kalau buat pase dgn artis, kawe ler orang pertama luku kepala dia!

Word Verification :msyexiso (initial Mama Sarah!)

Anonymous said...

gelak besar i kat sini baca you punya entry bie..........!

aduh ... *wiping tears*

((warning acknowledged dith))

but as the whitney houston song goes ---> "i have nothing, nothing, nothiiiiiiing ... if i don't have you......"

you are one cool blogger though pycno, you're friendly with everybody and vice versa.

Mama Sarah said...

aduh bby, i pun mengesat air mata terbayang whitney houston nyanyi ketar2 bibir tu ha.

and makin laju menderu bila baca DITH ready nak luku kepala you kalau you buat pasal.

anyway, sekarang ni nyanyilah "i have nothing" esok dah umur 47, and dah ada title Dato Mynn, startlah nak nyanyi "you're my everything" kat gelfren baru pulak.

huhuhu... biarlah comment box Pycno menjadi saksi. Dan semoga DITH masih ingat utk meluku bila tiba masanya.

akhir kata, selamat hari jadi Pycno.

pycnogenol said...

Hahahahaha.... you guys REALLY made my day!! I LOVE you all!! And thanks again.

p/s: DrRoza dah buat keputusan?

dith said...


Kawe dah tak terkomen baca komen Mynn and Mama....sampai guna comment board Pycno sebagai saksi...hahah....harap 15 tahun akan datang blog ni masih berdiri tegap untuk menjadi saksi atau tidak menjadi saksi kerana Mynn tetap setia di sisi Mama...apa lagu tu oleh Faradiya? Aku Masih Setia?

Pycno- anak2 semua dah beri green-light. Tinggal kata akhir dari saya...kalau jadi pergi, minta you all semua tolong doakan bersama.

dith said...


. biarlah comment box Pycno menjadi saksi. Dan semoga DITH masih ingat utk meluku bila tiba masanya.

The above statement by Mama Sarah was made probably due to my age then, hoping I wont be affected by memory lost!!!hehe...tua nya kita gitu!

mynn said...

celebrity ke tak celebrity ke, orang laki kan boleh empat ...... kan pycno kan???

Madame A said...

Before I started blogging, adalah dengar my daughter cakap pasal majlis kat KL (?) boleh tau siapa Pycno (?). Hmm...apa pun, Happy Birthday 50th-55th Pycno!!! Am I in the correct range in guessing your age? he...he...

Mama Sarah said...

Bonda Afie DAto Pycno's current favourite phrase "Biar RAHSIA".

DITH alamak, i didn't mean it that way. ayat tu simply means, silalah luku bila tiba masanya. tak de kena mengena dgn memory loss atau keadaan kesihatan.

20 years from now, you will still be the same Kak DITH yang kelakar.

mynn amboi, pasang 4???? I rasa i kena jadi VERY high maintenance macam other women jugalah. supaya you tak mampu nak pasang other 3.

pycno harap maaf di hari jadi + 1 hari anda, saya buat comment box anda macam rumah sendiri pula.

Anonymous said...

Pycnogenol is someone who is very young at heart despite his age, which is presumed to be very near to my own father's, if not the same! ;)

Jamil said...

I think I'll have to arrange a "Belated Birthday Party" for both you and my dad.

"pigrwuln" <---- gosh, they're putting animal names now for word verification??

Mama Sarah said...

errr.. happy birthday + 3 days pycno.

but couldn't help but to 'lawan' hiyoshi. i feel like this word verification is like doing a puzzle.

i do get angry if i get it wrong.

let's see now: imtbtjtb (why do i always get the hard one at pycno's site? others always have 5 letters)

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Mynn and Mama Sarah, both of you have to remember that Pycno's comment box has now become 'documentary evidence'....and is therefore admissable in a court of law.

And DITH, if all the children have given the green light, we want to know what colour is coming from your light bulb? Is it also clear green, or kelip-kelip light-yellowish green that threaten to turn red any time at all?
(Sorry lah for the joke...I understand your dilemma..;(

Mynn - You picked the wrong man to find support. Obviously, you have not been closely reading the traits of a Cancer man. (Seronok la tu Bea reading my response to Mynn here)

But legally speaking, yes you can go up to 4.....with many, MANY provisoes...make sure to read and remember them too, Mynn. ;)

Azian - I'm sure you must be very apprehensive of that Majlis tu kan? Nak kenal Pycno, kena jumpa di alam nyata dulu. In the meantime, happy guessing...;)

Mama Sarah - Thank you for that important reminder.
20 years from now, harap-harap kelakar DITH masih menjadi!!

Kalau Mama Sarah jadi 'high-maintenance', that may work to your disadvantage you know....:(

I'm glad to know that you're feeling at home here at my humble abode.

Skye - Are you sure that I'm only young at heart? Bila Skye nak jumpa pycno ni? Boleh bawa Mak dan Abah sekali. Tengok siapa yang lebih awet muda? Abah awak banyak minum air mineral tak? ;)

Hiyoshi - I'd like that Yoshi, HONEST!! And nasib baik, they have not asked you to type 'yubigpig' as word verification...;)

And back to Mama Sarah again - Told you's to make sure that those who GENUINELY love Pycno who will come back for more. ;)

ayumi said...


Not a believer of zodiacs. I think we human beings are far too complex to be categorized into a few groups.

Oh, by the way.. happy belated b-day! I did wish you on Dr. Roza's blog ;)

Anonymous said...

dear pycno..

happy belated birthday..=)..

kalau boleh luangkan masa,jemputlah dtg rumah makan pengat pisang..heard u ate a great lunch at PDRM,and my pengat pisang and my house maybe not as grand as that but i'll made one specially for you..if u really want to come, do tell..sbb kalau dtg tiba2 rumah mcm kapal karam..huhu..

i do want to invite you earlier, but i just saw ur comment just now..sudah terlewat sgt ke?..

anyway from ur entry, i'm sure u r a great father, so i wish u'll be a great grandfather soon..=)..

smoga dirahmati ALLAH slalu~

Anonymous said...

i'm suddenly getting nervous here..could i ask plainly for Tun?Tan Sri/Dato/tuan/Encik Pycno to come over and taste some of my pengat pisang?'s like too rude..

and i'm very suspense..