Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Bag of Mixed Thoughts

It's been more than a month since my last entry. I guess without me realising, I was on a pause mode (ikelah, penyakit berjangkit ke?). I've been very busy of late. That's an excuse really; if you want to do something, you'll always try to find time to do it anyway. But at least, I've been leaving comments, haven't I? :))

The reason for my busy-ness lately is because there have been a surge of new faces at the place where I work (if I work, that is). So, I've been entrusted to guide these newbies around their new surroundings. My second son is also a freshie at the matriculation center, and I really do hope that he's doing fine adjusting himself to the new environment. Of course, there would be the weekly visits to see my two children at the boarding school as well as keeping a watchful eye on my eldest son (belajar ke budak tu, atau apa dah dia buat?)

I was also back to visit my mother at the kampung. This, would of course, be my routine visit. It's difficult for her to come to Kuala Lumpur now, with her age. And now, every time I come back to visit her, she will always cry.

I thought of repairing her house, just to make it a bit more comfortable for her. Work is already on its way. So I guess for the next couple of months, my trips back to my kampung will more frequent.

Actually, with my age, it's tiring to be doing all of this. Not to say that I'm old, but still...with the amount of things I'm doing, I rather doubt it that anyone would still feel energetic if they were to step in my shoes. But I've been taking supplements and that really helps.

As you could figure out, the only child left staying with me and bea is the youngest "Elvis". I still send and fetch him from school, as well as the tuition center twice a week. With none of the children at home except for Elvis (fancy that, we're parents of that legendary American heart-throb!), bea has had more time to clean up the mess that is our home. But still, even the youngest one can surprisingly be good at messing things up, so bea's shrill at the little one can still be heard, eventhough the rest aren't at home.

There would be weekends where the elder brothers and sisters will come home - usually to do the laundry. Of course, during these rare occasions, bea would be inspired to cook. Somehow, it's just not appealing to her to cook for only three people in the house.

This *short* ranting of no significance whatsoever is due to the guilty feeling I'm holding inside for not having updated for so long. Okay, I'm going off now to see my boarding school children. We're going to have lunch together today and bea is already calling from downstairs. See you!


Anonymous said...

I'd say this is the general scenario for parents your age with children of our ages. Everyone is everywhere all at once, and the moment we're all together back home, it's the perfect time of the day.

I concur wholeheartedly with the first sentence of your second last paragraph- if my home is around here, one of the primary reasons for me to go back would be to do the laundry too :P

dith said...

Sedih rasanya kalau kita balik kampung and mak menangis. Must be hard on you.

And why must you keep a watchful eye on your eldest? :p

Bea-masak jek TV dinner (panas dlm microwave jek!)hehe

ayumi said...

Thanks for the update. I really miss reading your entries :)

Mama Sarah said...

ditto ayumi.

now i really(3x) feel wajib to call you Uncle Pycno. (pardon me if you have the dato' title or Prof etc...)

but i've always felt like calling you Uncle Pycno, not just pycno, sebab macam rude (?).

Sama macam both Mynn and I refer DITH as 'doctor' or 'ustazah (yang kelakar)' in our daily conversations.

pycnogenol said...

Skye - Your home may not be around here, but you're most welcome to do your laundry at Pycno's house. ;)

DITH - It sure is. And when I ask why she's crying, her answer has always been: 'Biasa lah orang-orang yang dah tua ni, anak balik menangis, anak tak balik pun menangis.

Keeping a watchful eye is not only on the eldest, but on ALL of the children. I'm pretty sure you do that too, dont you?

And Bea, what are we having for dinner, eh?

Ayumi - And Salaam to you too, dear. InsyaAllah, I'll try to update. In fact, I have a 'quicky-new-entry' at my Xanga site. The address is: .....just in case you have forgotten. ;))

Mama Sarah - You dont have to call me Uncle. Pycno is just fine with me. (IT's not rude at all - HONEST) Tak percaya, tanya 'Ustazah (yang kelakar)' tu....Pycno masih muda....complexion - flawless....especially now that I'm drinking litres of mineral water EVERYDAY!!...thanks to you Mynn...;))

You can call Bea, Mama Elvis though...baru ngam dengan Mama Sarah kan? You think she should change her blog-name??

dith said...

No wonder, you've been busy leaving hints all around! hehe

This entry should be re titled : A bag of birthday goodies!

mynn said...

hehehe i wanted to say something else, until i read about drinking gallons of mineral water everyday --that makes the two of us, except it's not mineral water in my case. nanti boleh kita2 compare complexion, LOL.

nice to see an update after such a long time and it's a very good rant as well, i could relate. especially the part about feeling less energetic considering the age and balik kampung with the (in my case: grandmother) crying.

i'm also feeling the effects of age lah pycno ... what to do?

Azer Mantessa said...

"Actually, with my age, it's tiring to be doing all of this."

u're just like wine ... gets better with age ... dun worry :-)

Jamil said...

Azer hit the spot with his (her?) comment.

Just hoping that you don't give off the "drunk-ening" effects of wine as well.

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Hahahaha...Sure hope there'll be all the goodies waiting for me. ;)

Mynn - Boleh sangat Mynn...Just promise that there'll be no GIMPing on your part.

But, hold on now....Your profile states that you're just 28. And Pycno is...28 times 2...Haiyya, that old ah??? Mana boleh bertanding itu machiam....Tapi pula, Datuk K boleh mengalahkan ratusan pesaing-pesaing yang JAUH lebih muda.....hmm.......

Azer - I sure hope so...;)

Hiyoshi - At the mo, I'm just getting giddy on the gallons of mineral water. But my complexion - better than Dato K!!

Anonymous said...

hiyoshi and azer
manure also matures with age. hehehe.

pycnogenol said...'manure' pula dia kata,.....but then Mynn,'manure' rots, whilst Pycno rocks!!!

dith said...


Jamil said...


Are you sure? For all I know, it only gets smellier.

Unless of course - horrible thought - the stink factor is what determines the maturity of the manure. Poor pycno.

Mama Sarah said...

since Mawi won AF3, lots of people start bangga and mengaku as orang Jawa.

now, since Dato K has won the "race", rasa seolah-olah orang dah tak kisah nak mengaku their age, eh?

(p/s: baru je nak tekan "login and publish" button, tapi kena type word verification dulu!! Oh my. this must be the longest one i've ever encountered!

hfbfzkqg = harap tak salah type)

(SALAH TYPE!!! now even longer; mrhhdgptyd)

pycnogenol said...

Hiyoshi - At the end of the day, maturity RULES!! I'm beginning to like Dato K now..Senyum sikit Dato....yes that Tom Selleck smile of yours!! ;)

Mama Sarah - Age is just a number, but guessing that number, is what this game is all about. Keep on guessing Mama...

Sorry lah that you have to type 'word verification' dulu. That's just to ensure that only the faithfuls will keep coming back. Itu lah yang benar-benar sayang Pycno....

mynn said...

LOL the thread is getting funnier and funnier...
you know what pycno, at the period when i'm starting to feel my age, i agree with you ... maturity rawks!

if only it doesnt come with wrinkles ...

geez weez i have a feeling we'll be hearing about dato K for many more months to come eh guys?

ps i agree with the word verification, to avoid bot spamming ... especially when we're talking about manure and stuff we don't want


Anonymous said...

ni dah nak jadi si KKL's puzzle... K***** ****.

you all ni memang tak de kerja betul lah. bagilah contoh teladan baik sikit kat adik2, esp yang baru umur 6-7 tahun tu.

ni yang dah ada anak 2, apatah lagi yang sama umur dgn Dato' K ada hati lagi nak compare2 complexion dgn si bakal suami Mak Siti tu eh?

kxxfnlla <-- word verification yg i kena type.

Anonymous said...

Pycno, when's your announcement? Perlu tune to any channel on tv? Press conference?

shortest w.v. fxriw

mynn said...

Happy birthday pycno! hope you have a wonderful day today. take it easy and hope you'll be spoilt by the family.

plan apa hari ni?

mynn said...

hadiah birthday apa? second hand tiara?

Jamil said...

mama sarah obviously has an issue with the word verification function.

Just pray the next word it asks you to type in is not "manure".

Mama Sarah said...

haha hiyoshi!

i had a 'yosuxks' once. sakit hati rasa.

but honestly i don't have a problem with word verification but won't switch it on on mine either. if i ever get a spam comment, i will just delete them. no prob. (tapi, kalau spam teruk2222 ,may be switch on jugaklah kot)

tapi sakit hati juga kalau i typed it wrongly and then kena retype the comment.

(hantu betul: baru je cakap. SALAH TYPE LAGI! i thot i typed correctly)

pycnogenol said...

Careless...careless....Mama. Or is it time to be wearing bifocals? ;)

Anonymous said...

huh? birthday pycno??? Oh my god, sorry for not visiting your site earlier, pycno. I guess I owe you a birthday wish so here it it "HAPPY BIRTHDAY 'UNCLE' PYCNO!!!!!" Dah berapa tahun la agaknye pycno ni ek, I wonder. Anyway hope you had a wonderful birthday with your family and friends.
Reading all of the comments, saya tak tau plak nak menyampuk kat mane so oklah. In my next comment, if I know which part to 'menyampuk', I'll 'menyampuk' la ye. Hihi...
my word verification is 'wajwd'. Haha!!