Friday, November 24, 2006

Apa khabar semua?

"I Just Called to Say I Love You" is a song written, produced and performed by Stevie Wonder as part of the soundtrack to the 1984 film The Woman in Red. The midtempo ballad expresses how simply calling someone to tell them you love them can make even the most unremarkable day of your life magical. It's one of Wonder's most simplistic, sweetly melodic and sentimental songs, and, with its quintessentially mid-80s synthesizers and drum machines, is a far cry from his more organic and experimental 1970s material. For those reasons it was savaged by critics upon its release. However, the public were seduced by its simple charms, making it easily Wonder's most successful single to date.

The song was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks from October 13, 1984 and also became Wonder's first UK number-one hit, staying at the top for 6 weeks. It also won a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Song."

The extract above is from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I'm pretty sure though that DITH and Ikelah would be so familiar with the lyrics and the simple tune. In fact that was also our (Bea and me) special song. It was as if Stevie Wonder knew what was going on and had specially written those lyrics when Bea was so busy 'kelip-kelip mata kat Pycno tidak berapa lama dahulu'....he...he.... ;)

I am still very busy at the moment. This short entry is just to say that I love you....ALL of you.

And to Bea, Pycno sayang kamu!! Thank you for the help. I really appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

I remember the song. I remember the time when it was kept on playing on air.

And I also remember in those times, the words 'jiwang karat' were pretty much in use. Although until now, I am still not quite sure what they mean.

Your children must really feel happy and secured that their parents are uttering the L words openly and publicly. How sweet.

Unlike Sarah and Amar, they know how to throw tantrums when the babah and mama started to hold hands and say mushy2 things.

Anonymous said...

welcome back from man o pause. actuallyyou are right about dith but not me. she is a walking jukebox, to add to a walking merriam webster. i just listen and cant even get any lyrics right for any song... any except negaraku. but nice song indeed.

so inilah lagu yang dimainkan waktu you lamar bea. sampai sekarang ke bea masih kelip kelip mata bila dengar lagu ni?

i love wikipedia, it always there on my browser bar. i guess microsoft will be buying it soon.

lastly, selamat main mata. ;)

Anonymous said...

bila pulak mama sarah overtook me, tadi kosong.

so birthday babah hari ni, sarah and amar will throw tantrum lah.

Anonymous said...

Pycno+ Bea

So what is it this time for helping Pycno? Another handset? :p

Anonymous said...

I love this song too Pycno :D Music has always been a part of my life too.

Anyway I'm really sorry about the comments you left on my blog because they always ended up in my spam box. I don't know why. I had to manually check my spam box ever so often and de-spam them. Sorry about that.

Jamil said...

How sweet. One simple song to get all the adults all soft and mushy. I should try playing this song the next time I come under fire.

pycnogenol said...

Mama Sarah - I wonder how old Mama Sarah was when the song kept playing back then? Much as I've heard a lot about this 'jiwang karat', like you too, I also can never understand what it is.

Ikelah - Somehow or rather, with DITH, the person that I see outside is completely different from the person that I read about in her blog. I suspect that she's really funny, but then, only you would know hehehe....

Kelip-kelip mata berhenti selepas setahun dua kahwin. Sekarang, jeling tajam tu adalah.

(Bea: Pycno tu ada la juga kelip-kelip mata sekali sekala - bila mahu meminta tolong)

But as of now, memang tengah sakit mata from lots and lots of reading. Ask DITH about what we've been reading :)

DITH - Two nights ago, dah bagi treat Secret Recipe dah. Apple Crumble cheesecake somemore. But I suspect that is not enough. Nak bagi apa ye? Any ideas?

Naja - I bet Winter Sonata must be on top of your list.

I've been wondering too, why my comments at your site will not appear immediately. Turns out, they go into your spambox. Could you please do something about it? I already feel like one of those unwanted online marketeers trying to sell their wares.

Hiyoshi - Try playing the song when you're bombarded by your mom for being naughty. Will she soften up or will the sharp remarks intesify?

ayumi said...

Oh I know this song! My dad loves it.. And it's always on "Light & Easy" anyway :)