Friday, July 13, 2007

What are you doing the rest of your life?



dith said...

I think this calls for another 3 days 2 nights rendezvous

Anonymous said...

my kids are home. resting. work at shorter hours. visiting nearby families. august will be bz for KSH with its family day and KPJ sports carnival. they still include me in the scrabble team and volleyball advisor.

anyway how is the tilam?

Anonymous said...

... satu lagi... the song is still nice.

how are u doing anyway... lama tak dengar dan slow with new updates.. ok... take care my friend

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Dont start giving me ideas. Bea may think that you are abetting me...he..he...;)

Ikelah - Oh, it's so good to hear from you again. Since your two girls are back home, I'm sure DITH can have a breather.
Glad to see that you're back in action. I'm sure you'd be looking forward to the Family Day,now that you have the whole clan back.

As for the tilam, dah berkenalan dan bertunang. ;)

I like the song too. Slow and melancholic. Just the right kind of song to soothe Pycno who's still coughing and recovering from a bad ;(

Jamil said...

A complete sense of zen and serenity came over me as I read that one word.


Wow. And that is the very word which drives my parents up the wall whenever I use it to answer their questions.

Mama Sarah said...

hoping for a longer entry soon ;) ;) ;)

Anonymous said...

Hope you've fully recovered from your flu... and hoping for a longer entry next time. ;)

drroza mentioned about a song I once commented on your xanga blog as a song that makes me feel as if I'm in the middle of an open field, do you remember which one is it? :p

pycnogenol said...

Puan Mama Sarah - Your wish has been granted ;)

Crimsonskye - I'm much better now, thank you. Though I still have that feeling of something lodged inside my throat. Perhaps drroza can prescribe a fishing hook to get it out?

I'm so sorry Crimson, but I have honestly forgotten what song it was. Why don't you try asking drroza? :)

pycnogenol said...

Hiyoshi - (Oops...lupa nak repond earlier on...sorry)

So, you use that one word to irritate your parents, eh? How cruel of you to say 'entahlah' when you know exactly the answers.

Care to share with us all, what their questions were to your 'entahlah' answers???