Monday, June 05, 2006

Did I or did I not….meet Hiyoshi?

The above title is actually inspired by my non-inspiration over not having something to write about my Langkawi trip. Hiyoshi has intelligently left us all with a cliffhanger in his part 1. And I’m sure that everyone must have been clicking at his site (me included) from time to time, just to see whether he has posted his part 2. I must admit that he’s a better story-teller than me. So rather than be compared to him, let me choose another area of discussion.

I have been to Langkawi a number of times and there are so many places to visit there. But I always make it a point never to visit all those places of interest in one go (Idaman Suri and the other shopping areas being the exception, of course. And you know the reason for that, don’t you?) I know I promised to post an entry on my “makan-makan” in Langkawi. Unfortunately, food in Langkawi is nothing to shout about. Except for the chendol utara. I particularly like chendol from Utara because they have this authentic pandan flavour. I wish they would be more creative like the Kelantanese that not only add pulut and kacang to their chendol, but also tapai. Have you tried that? You must, if you have not. It’s just heavenly; simply out of this world.

My trip to Langkawi this time around has been more of a relaxed kind of vacation. It’s more of me having the luxury of lazing around; even going to the gym and the sauna at the resort. That makes me feel good, although I don’t really think I’ve been successful in shedding the inches off my waist. Perhaps even adding them, due to the sinful chocolates (Yes, blame it on the chocolates!).

The other reason is because I wasn’t feeling too well, even before going for the trip. I accidentally swallowed a small fishbone whilst having an asam laksa meal at Amcorp Mall prior to Langkawi. And it so happens that this was one little fishbone that that got stuck and refused to dissolve away. So, I brought along my uncomfortable tonsil to my holiday destination. Unluckily for me, it turned out worse (I developed a slight fever) and that forced me to the clinic on my final night in Langakwi. True enough, the doctor prescribed antibiotics – Cephalexin. I still have another six tablets to finish. So now you know, why this late entry. Besides that, my youngest also developed a slight fever, and I had to attend a wedding in KL upon arrival. Aduh sibuknya bila dah tua-tua ni, ye? Walaupun hati senantiasa rasa muda :))

So, back to the title; did I or did I not meet Hiyoshi? I don’t want to spoil Hiyoshi’s cliffhanger. Let him finish with his life lessons. I’m just posting this entry because I felt that I owe it to everybody here since I already told them that I’d be going on this Island trip.

Don’t you get this feeling that when you’re just back from holiday, you need to go for another one? Another solo tiga hari dua malam, perhaps? Now drroza, don’t you go nagging me hehehehe….


dith said...

I hope that your inflammed tonsils are ok now. Make sure the Cephalexin is 500mg 8 hrly and to be completed at least for 5 days. Many GPs love giving for only 3 days.

Bea told me about the grand wedding and how both of were the "guests of honor" :))

Yes I echo your feelings of wanting to go for another holiday after coming back from one and yes you have induced me to nag against that 3 hari dua malam thingy!!nag,nag,nag....

Suriya said...

saper kawen?what about Hiyoshi what what???

Mama Pongkey said...

Haiyaaa don't want to tell meh? But I do sympathise with you re: fish bone. Hope you do get better soon.

:D I was recently given 3 days Augmentin as well.. but I think I need more. Shhh DrRoza jangan bagitau mak kawe! OK dan adik-beradik je tahu. Kawe tak kasitau kat blog sebab nanti mak kawe risau.

Hehehe rasanye bukan Hiyoshi yang kawen (or else we'd know all bout it!)

pycnogenol said...

DITH - I was given 500mg of Cephalexin for 5 days. The inflamed tonsils are much better now, alhamdulillah.

It was a grand wedding alright. I even brought my camera with me, tapi segan nak ambil gambar. Datuk Jamaluddin Jarjis and the Datin were the guests of honor (or are they Tan Sri and Puan Sri now?...dah terlupa.) Pycno dan Bea sekadar di ceruk Dewan enjoying the food, including the ice-cream tapai dessert.

Nurelhuda - Anak one of my sedara belah Johor yang kawin. Dr. Zakaria Taib is a businessman. He was formerly with Petronas.

Hiyoshi dah nak kawin ke? Baik kita semua nasihatkan dia supaya kawan-kawan la dulu......

KKL - Tercekik tulang ikan is a REAL torture. Tapi bersyukur juga lah, tak tercekik tulang kambing.

Our lips are sealed. Your secret will be safe with us...Do take care KKL and hope you're feeling better now.

Ikelah said...

cephalexin is good 500mg tds, but i prefer to give 1 gm bid for better compliance.(biochemie-sandoz had done studies on bid dose);). semoga cepat sembuh tetapi i still think augmentin is far superior.

i also thought that you went to hiyoshi's wedding at langkawi after reading dith comment.

u ni dah kerap sangat sakit, i guess its due to some supratentorial influence. why not try taking stabilon and surbex zinc?

sorry sebab jadi ruang nasihat kenakelayan<---takut mama dia baca di ruang lain. hehehe

pycnogenol said...

Ikelah - Reading DITH's comment second time around, I can understand now why Nurelhuda was confused too. Itu lah, you cannot just scan through the main entry....but then I cannot really blame the bloggers...sometimes the comments make more interesting read than the entry itself (especially mine ;( )

And dont you worry about using the comment box as 'ruang nasihat kenakelayan'. We all get to learn something useful too here.

Jamil said...

Gee..I wonder why my name turned up in the "Married" equation. To clear things up:

I am not married.

Nor will I be, in the next five or six years (or maybe even longer than that). My mom will personally see to that.

By the way, did I or did I Pycnogenol???

pycnogenol said...

Did you, Hiyoshi???????????????

Come on now with your Part 3 !!!!!

Mama Sarah said...

Just to rub it in..

ha ah si hiyoshi ni. PErgi kahwin kat Langkawi tak jemput blogging keluarga angkat yea? jemput pycno sahaja.


I think kedai laksa tu kena remind consumer 'may contain small parts of fish bones'

hope you're better now. and i'm sure your bea is a good nurse.

oh, ruang menasihat KKL pula. I think she needs Sir O-K more than the AUgmentin

Mama Pongkey said...

:) Thank you Pycnogenol for being very hospitable..

er, stabilon tu apa? Am taking 7.5mg sinc everyday now, as well as 1500ug Vit A, 500mg Vit C and 400IU Vit E. And 100mg Vit B6. Hehehehe. Am completing 7 days Augmentin inshaAllah.

Supratentorial? :P Hehehe on the othjer hand, the first day I started showing symptoms I thought it was supratentorial too. Then the next day when only 30 mins labwork and sitting at the computer for only 2 hours was enough to make me feel faint, I decided it was all real. Also plus what I thought was snot mixed with nosebleed (I tend to nosebleed when there is a change in temperature) turned out to be bright yellow and green phlegm. Don't worry, when my GP couldn't see me last week I got a medic friend to do a check up on me and prescribe medication. Alhamdulillah, now I can do 6 hours work before feeling tired but then I need to take a 2 hour nap afterwards. Sigh. Oh well at least there is plenty of food in the fridge..

Mama Pongkey said...

Hehehe O-K? I think he needs TLC more than I do at the moment.. poor thing..

Jamil said...

mama sarah
Don't be silly now. I am not yet married. You can ask my mom if you don't believe me.

And don't worry. I'll post a virtual invitation card when the time comes. That way, everyone will get to know about it :)

note: Sorry mama (my mama, i mean). Takde niat nak menggatal dalam ayat di atas.

Ikelah said...

i tried stabilon and arcalion on an australian couple that came to see me for some minor cut but later ended up quarelling infront of me blaming each other for so many things. they were couple of months in Malaysia, missed their home, family then started to mistrust one another with the husband arrived home late and wife idling at home.

the medication worked, both of them came smiling happily on the next visit. months later the happy couple came to see me to say goodbye before leaving home for good. hahaha

why not give a try. ;) hehehe sorry, lari dari topik lagi.

anyway how your throat? kalau tak sembuh, carilah augmentin 625mg bid cukup mujarab untuk kuman Malaysia.

thanks for the derma for mangsa earthquake jogja. called ur hp, msg box. i called your secretary number and tinggal msg. ;) thanks again semoga Allah membalas dengan lebih baik lagi

pycnogenol said...

Mama sarah - Indeed, they should give polite reminders for careless patrons like me...hehe...

Kenakelayan - Pleasure was all mine.

Hiyoshi - Mama Sarah dah tahu ler...Saja nak tarik kaki awak yang dah panjang tu!!

Ikelah - Alhamdulillah, semua dah baik. The donation was just a small contribution from us. Makes us feel good to know that we are able to help them in their times of need. Kita, entah bila pula ya. Please convey my salams to Anang (biar tak kenal pun, but I know he's a good man)
And you have a safe journey and take care.

Mama Pongkey said...

Arcalion.. Pak Min used to give it to me during revision time, hehehe. Or was it you?

Drug tu pun boleh guna untuk mistrust? Hehehe I assure you it is not the case here inshaAllah. More like overwork kot.

Hehehe memang kawe tgh makan Augmentin 625 mg pun.

I hope that iKelah and Co. has a safe trip and manages to help many many people inshaAllah...

Anonymous said...

Sempat lagi ke saya nak menderma? TApi saya tak de account di malaysia.

Paling cepat saya boleh transfer duit melalui internet. Belum pernah cuba transfer duit ke Bank Malaysia.

SEsiapa ada idea?