Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's the 8th of June....

Today is my secretary’s birthday. Unlike most bosses out there, I have a male secretary. Now, don’t you start questioning my orientation. My secretary has been with me for a good 18 years. Told you that I’m an old faithful kind of guy. So with someone who has been with me for this long a time, and been faithful all along, it’s just fair that I keep him with me, right?

He is a very polite, quite good looking young man. He has also been more than a secretary to me. Being a male, it’s easy for him to be my good friend. In fact, he has been the one who I can take with me to movies; otherwise you know that I prefer to watch movies alone. That’s how close I am to him. I even buy him clothes on Hari Raya and his birthday.

As with most secretaries, mine also has his faults. Happy go lucky he may be, but this attribute of his can be nerve wrecking and sometimes Bea cannot stand him leaving things to the last minute. So, at times when I want to see things done and I want him to use his full potential, he can be quite a letdown. However, I can’t be angry with him for too long. He is really a charming lad.

A few weeks back, I had entrusted my secretary to pick up my youngest son from tuition class since I was busy attending to other matters. But guess what happened? My secretary grazed my vehicle against another car. Yes. And he took it for a long scratch. In the end, I had to fork out one thousand ringgit to pay for the other person’s damaged car. And I’ve not even sent my own car for repairs yet. I can’t hope for my secretary to pay the total sum, what with his meagre pay. I suppose this is what you could call the burden of being boss.

Even so, I must say that I’m really proud of him now as he will be furthering his studies in law. I always knew that he had it in him, so you can imagine my joy when he told me that he had gained admission into the law programme of one of our local universities. Even though I will be losing a very much trusted secretary, it’s okay. To him, I wish nothing but all the best. Here’s to a brighter future to you, dear secretary!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I want you to always remember that:

You are very special
and you deserve the best.
I wish you a wonderful life

filled with love and happiness.
I hope others bring you joy,
just as you've brought joy to me,
then you can weather any storm
and be all you want to be.


dith said...

Happy Birthday Secretary!

I have met him and I think he's one cool dude that will make one cool lawyer! Why he could maintain a straight face when he kept the 'white lie/secret' the other day!

About your car. That reminds me that our old car too was hit by someone when Muhammad was driving and it too is waiting for repair!! :))

Anonymous said...

kalau sekretari tu pempuan, saya akan kata "Ohh sweetnya!" Tapi bila lelaki ni saya nak cakap macam tu rasa tak kena pulak :).

Mama Pongkey said...

Happy Brithday Secretary! Ameen to all the duas, and all the best in your law studies! And may we all know which uni is it you will be going to?

Jalilah said...

oh my God Pyc, I am so sorry for my very long absence (hehe, if you call one month long lah kan). Wah, everyone decided to move to blogspot nih...As for me, I prefer xanga better since xanga is much more simpler.
Well, Happy Birthday Mr. Secretary. 18 years is a very long time. You must be sad, huh. Oh well, Mr. Secretary is advancing so best of luck, Mr. Secretary!!! And Pycno, don't miss him too much....

Anonymous said...

Have you got yourself a replacement? What criteria do you look for in a secretary? Must be a male?

dith said...

Aik Mama cari kerja ke?

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Yes, my cool-dude secretary will one day be one cool lawyer, InsyaAllah.

And why is it that when we are involved in accidents,it's always the other party's car that gets repaired first, while we will endure the scratches and dents of our vehicle for a long, long time?

Imzadle - Boleh kata: "Oh handsome nya!"

KNK - (Answering on behalf of the secretary): To the same University you'll be coming back to teach. So, you can attend his convocation too. ;)

Jalilah - That's alright. You were busy with your exams, kan? So, how was it?
I agree that Xanga is simpler, but blogspot is sophisticated. So, it's simplicity vs. sophistication. On days when I just want to be my simple self, I guess I can always go back there to post my simple entries. ;)

Mama Sarah - You are over-qualified to be my secretary. ;)

In this case, unfortunately:
"Patah tak tumbuh lagi.....
Hilang belum (dan tidak mungkin) diganti........
Kerana secretary tersendiri......

mynn said...

macam hilang kekasih,
siap ada ros merah lagi!

mynn said...

(geli ah)

dith said...

Mynn- muahaha <===imitating your maniacal laugh again!

Rest assured, this is a true 'love' between a 'boss' and his 'secretary'!

Memang langsung tak geli, Mynn! hehe

Anonymous said...

pandai DITH and Pycno teka i cari kerja eh?

one has to be ready! kot2 lah kena balik msia soon. kena ada kerja.

Thanks for saying I'm overqualified for the post. Haha (yang penuh tawar sekali) My first post in the UK was a secretary at a Property Developer company tau.

Jamil said...

Happy Birthday to the Secretary!

I would also apply for the job (like mama sarah!). But the thing is, I'm already in another line T_T

Anonymous said...

This is the same Mr. Secretary who was so sharp and professional during his welcoming of the Fellowship and guiding them to that hotel suite at Berjaya Times Square right?

Happy birthday to the Secretary =)

Anonymous said...

The other time I've heard about this secretary of yours was when you planned for the fellowship meeting... Even though I never met him, I wish him happy birthday :P

pycnogenol said...

Mynn - Lebih dari kehilangan seorang kekasih.

Mynn(again) and DITH - When you're back in Malaysia, come and see Pycno and I'll try to persuade my secretary to come to the meet too. I think DITH will unleash her evil, maniacal laugh yet again.

Mama Sarah - I'm not surprised to know that your first post in the UK was as a secretary. Mak-mak Datin pun ada yang jadi secretary disana. Gaji mahal dan boleh guna untuk shopping!!
May we ask what's your post now, besides being a part-time blogger? ;)

Hiyoshi - Would you really Yoshi? You sure you dont mind being 'bossed' around?

Skye - YES, the same one. The one and only!

pycnogenol said...

Mynn again - Roses tu bukan apa...They are flowers for June. So, jangan geli-geli lagi..hehe..

dith said...

So Pycno, are you planning to pull out another 'rabbit' again? hehe

The good part is now I get to join in the 'scam' and not look so 'dumb' like I did before! huhu

pycnogenol said...

DITH - Oh yes again and again and again. Tergelak besar kat Mynn sekarang!! You want me to send you roses too, NO?

Anonymous said...

pycno: Since the answer is yes, then I have a pretty good idea exactly why you're so very affectionate towards him. hehe.

dith said...

Crimson- for someone who didnt attend the 'Meet' the other day, you sure have 'pretty good idea'....or were you actualy skulking behind the pillars??? hahah

Nusayba said...


happy belated birthday to mr pycnogenol's mr secretary.

ditto with ms crimsonskye's last comment (to drroza : even though i am far from being in the Fellowship. heheh).

to mr secretary, may you be a great islamic lawyer, insyaAllah

Anonymous said...

hurm, firstly Assalamualaikum.....

I tell u what..last week I met kak Dai (Pak lah's secretary) n she has worked for pak lah for almost 27 years! my surprise, she's already 53 years old..Looking to her personality (islamic, humble, soft-spoken)no wonder she can serve for pak lah that long! I bet u too have a great secretary..CONGRATULATION! U r one of the most lucky human being on the face of the planet!=p

Anonymous said...

oh ya..lupe lak..hepi birthday mr SECRETary!=P

Mama Pongkey said...

:D So I may see him in a few month's time... :D I may be able to recognise him but will he recognise me?

*kita ni jadi stalker ke?*