Tuesday, August 01, 2006

An all-time favourite of mine....


mynn said...

i love classical music!

mynn said...


mynn said...

puan mama sarah tanya, ni lagu brokeback mountain ke?

dith said...

Masyallah! Pycno- we definitely are from different era from these people!

Brokeback Mountain!? But I didnt see the movie...so..they might have taken this old song and beri nafas yg baru, hehe

dith said...

Btw..where is this place? That looks like Mt Fuji.

mynn said...

ive been wondering about that as well dith, lagu orang putih tapi the video macam of either malaysia or japan?

Mama Sarah said...

mynn i tahu lagu ni, Rhinestone Cowboy. Masa dizaman dahulu kala, lagu ni sentiasa dipasang dalam kereta sampai tape tu 'cair'.

i tanya brokeback mountain tu sebab macam pernah tengok v-clip lagu ni with actors from the movie in it.

Mama Sarah said...

Pycno, have you been searching for a media player like the one ifos used to have on her blog?

May be you will find the information in Queen of the house's blog is useful. Link to her blog can be found on DITH's blog.

pycnogenol said...

Mynn - You consider Glen Campbell classical? Then Beethovan and Bach must be ancient history.

Unfortunately I've not seen Brokeback Mountain, though I know it's about "Happy Cowboys"

DITH - We sure are!! Mynn and Mama Sarah must surely be from Era Fazira. Wonder what was our era, eh? Must be Travolta and Olivia...who were onusLY DEVOTED to each other...;)

Am not sure of the place. Can be either Malaysia or Japan as suggested by Mynn. Cannot be Coventry...I see no castle there...;)

Mama Sarah - You're right, it's Rhinestone Cowboy. Dont you just LOVE Glen Campbell's voice!!

And yes, a media player like the one iFos has, would be nice. Do I have to make an appointment to see the Queen at her palace? ;)

mynn said...

haha, kelakar lah your witty comments.

we also havent seen the queer movie, so i dunno where puan mama sarah got the idea the song is from that movie.

kena visit tempat lain yang bukan castle lah macam ni. habis kawan2 kita associate coventry dgn castles.

Mama Sarah said...

mynn @ bby alaaaa.. trip to edinburgh castle cancel ke?

re: brokeback the happy cowboys see this:


and this boy so cute:


Mama Pongkey said...

My overactive imagination was working overtime as I watched this video.

*geli geleman kawe dibuatnye*

mynn said...

i only made it past the first few seconds, pastu geli nak continue

pycnogenol said...

Itu la....elok-elok dah Pycno 'post' a decent video clip, awok semua nak kena cari jugak yang geli-geleman tu....SIAPA SURUH???

Dengar lagu sudah ler, dan tengok pokok-pokok bergoyang, bunga-bunga dan pandangan yang menyenangkan. Ish..ish..