Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happiness is....

Hiyoshi in his latest gloomy entry appears to be so doomed. I am not going to allow the contents of a pessimist’s entry affect my happiness. I chose to be happy and there are so many reasons for me to be happy. I am happy because:

1. I’m attending a short course in Port Dickson this Thursday 10th – 12th August 2006.
2. This is Rejab. Soon, it’ll be Shaaban and wonderful, wonderful Ramadhan. Let us fast and be happy.
3. My children may not believe this, but I am happy and so proud of them.
4. I’m surrounded by many good friends. You guys made me SO happy.
5. I’m fit and taking good care of my health…tak boroi, and that makes me happy too.
6. True that I am busy, but I’m not bored. Happiness is having something to do, kan?
7. I’ve expressed my anger and unhappiness to someone yesterday. He/she may not be happy now. So what? I am happy. I got that out of my chest, and I told him/her politely. If he/she can take it in the positive spirit, he/she can be happy too.
8. And, I’m going to be very VERY happy end of next week. Don’t ask me why cos I’m not telling you. ;)

So Hiyoshi, unhappy, pessimistic people tend to believe that they are a toy of fate, whilst happy people are characterized by the belief that they are able to control their situation and destiny. YOU pick your choice!!

Care to share with me your happiness?

P/S: BTW, happiness is also seeing Mama Sarah’s parading ‘bilis’ on her plate of Nasi Lemak..hehe...

<>Happiness Story: Why do so many of us delay happiness

>We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get
>married, have a baby, then another.

Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are.
After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with.
We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.
We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.
The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now.
If not now, when?
Your life will always be filled with challenges.
It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza. He said,

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life.
But there was always some obstacle in the way, Something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid.
Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my "life".
This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.
Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one.

So, stop waiting until you finish school,
until you go back to school,
until you lose ten pounds,
until you gain ten pounds,
until you have kids,
until your kids leave the house,
until you start work,
until you retire,
until you get married,
until you get divorced,
until Friday night, until Sunday morning,
until you get a new car or home,
until your car or home is paid off,
until spring,
until summer,
until fall,
until winter,
until you are off welfare,
until the first or fifteenth,
until your song comes on,
until you've had a drink,
until you've sobered up,
until you die,
until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Author Unknown


dith said...

I am happy to know that you are happy with many wonderful things happening around you!

To be optimistic or pessimistic is the question here. Whether to look the glass as half-empty or half-full. Being optimistic is associated with positive outlook in life. And having positive outlook is crucial for one's well-being it seems. But I do believe this matter is rather subjective.

Essentially I personally think that we need a balance of both optimism and pessimism in us. Being overly optimistic might render one to become severely frustrated should he/she fail in an endeavor. Reserving some pessimism might help one to overcome failure much faster in order to attain better success, later.

Having said that, being highly pessimistic is very unhealthy too. It might cause a person to be very easily intimidated and avoids the slightest challenge in life. Very pessimistic persons, due to their negative aura will find themselves devoid of friends and probably end up a recluse.

No I don't think you have to worry about Hiyoshi's brand of pessimism. It's probably a sign of maturism....:p


Mama Pongkey said...

:) One should, above all, be realistic.
And try to realise and be thankful for all of Allah's blessings upon us, for it is a sure way to keep 'em comin'! :D

Mama Sarah said...

pycno, end of next week is 20 August 2006. A day before Kak Honda City nak akad nikah.

hmmm sangsi sungguh. but i'm taking a guess, it's your Bea's birthday. come on, tell us!

mynn said...

ooo what happy yappee post :) now and again it's very good practice to count our blessings and be thankful to Allah for what he's blessed us with.

great post pycno

mynn said...


"I’m fit and taking good care of my health…tak boroi, and that makes me happy too." <- how? pegi gym ke?

pycnogenol said...

DITH - A balance of both optimism and pessimism is indeed essential. It's not realistic is it, to think that one can always be happy? At the very least, when given the silent treatment, the smile and the laughter will simply dissapear into thin air..... :(

Kenakelayan - Very often, we tend to forget all of Allah's blessings which are in abundance!!

Mama Sarah - Ish..ish..ish..Mama is yet again, letting her imagination run so wild....I'm not the kind of person who keep changing his automobile, literally. Told you that I'm an old faithful. ;)

And that too, (Bea's birthday)...that makes me happy too.

Mynn - Much as I have ALWAYS contemplated joining a Gym, I never got around to actually doing just that. Not THAT disciplined, I'm afraid. :(

P/S: Okay guys, I'll be away for a couple of days (my 3 hari 2 malam) to Port Dickson. Told Bea to join me Friday, after work....but I dont think she's coming. She prefers to stay home.

See you Sunday.....

Anonymous said...

so very true.cherish every day, live the happy way!

Anonymous said...

yang di atas tu komen saya, im. xtau apsal xkuar nama.

Jamil said...

It's good to know that a few of us are happy. Imagine if eveybody were sad at the same time. Harith Iskandar would have his hands full.

Anyway, I'm happy for a fellow blogger who's happy.

Anonymous said...

i haven't open my blogs for weeks and i just dropping by to read your recent entry and am glad to found that you are in the state of happiness..=)..i read a Malay novel and it wrote,

" Keindahan bukan milik pribadi, namun berusaha untuk rasa indah dan berseri barangkali diberkati ALLAH yang maha suci "

i'm not sure if u have heard it..

i've been away a lot and felt unhappy and guilty to find that i missed your birthday!..i dropped a comment there - check it out..

Happiness is a blessing from ALLAH.I wish you will always surround by happiness forever, and not to forget, your family too..

btw, hope you are happy to hear something from me..

ayumi said...

I am also very happy at the moment.. but I'll sure to be a lot happier once my A-Level results are out next week (despite whatever A's or D's I'll get..)!!

And like kenakelayan says, happiness comes from Allah and His blessings.. if we stop and think about how much He has given us all our life, we'll be very happy people indeed :)

Suriya said...

Hi Pycno
Your happiness is contagious..and....have you ever been on the threshold of so many things and its like waiting for the durian fruits to fall from the tree.....

well that is how I am feeling right now...on the threshold of so many things....

Mama Pongkey said...

:) I totally get what you mean Nurelhuda, albeit applied in my own circumstances.

Don't you get moments in life when you feel you are on the brink of something great, and the choice to make is to either plunge right in or flee... and in the choice there is a rebirth. :D

dith said...


I believe you are constantly on the threshold of so many things waiting to hatch and bloom! hehe

Arifah said...

Truest of the truest convictions. Be happy just by being you! =)
I'm happy to have you in my circle of 'older' friends. Hehhhe. =p

Ikelah said...

"Dont Worry, Be Happy"

the phrase above was been repeated many times if you visit a store in Kuantan, the Camy Store. The owner is a young Chinese chap abou the age of 30 yrs who was as ever jovial with his one thousand million smiles. He will give discounts on all goods bargain ed for, from wellknown branded shoes to the unknown slippers.

To cut short, if Hiyoshi is still feeling depressed, come to Kuantan and let us visit Albert the "dont worry be happy towkey."

As for the no. 5, my tummy is out of control now. gotta do something. i believe the ever slim pycno will always look great. ;) (looking forward for sya'ban and ramadhan too. hope boleh control makan bila budak 2 orang tu balik studi)

Mama Sarah said...

pycno, it's almost "the end of next week". so care to update???

Anonymous said...

So happy togetherrrrr.... :P

pycnogenol said...

Im - Cherish every day, live the happy way! I like that!! Honst I do.

Hiyoshi - Happiness is contagious...Nurelhuda will tell you that too. ;)
So, Yoshi, feeling much better now? Tell you what...just remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day. That will ensure that you'll not go mossy or cheesy, whether you're an idle, or a rolling stone! A man with clean set of teeth must surely be a much HAPPIER man!

Cassablancha - Jarang baca novel Melayu. Apa nama novel itu?
I'm indeed so happy to hear from you. When are you going back to Russia?

Ayumi - Oh yes...hapiness comes from Allah, and we are ALL so blessed by Him, arent we?
And so Ayumi....?

Nurelhuda - I think DITH and kenakelayan has already answered your comments.
Talking about durians, I remember picking all those wonderfully scented (at least to our Malaysian nose) and thorny fruits at my late Grandfather's ochard. That was simply exhilarating!!!

afie - Dah sihat? And yes, one can only be happy when one is honest and true to oneself.
I'm glad that you're happy to have a 'younger' me as one of your friends. Dont you know that "Forever-young-and-happy" is Pycno's middle name?

Ikelah - You're my man ikelah. You've just inspired me with the title to my next entry!
I really LOVE the song "Dont Worry, Be Happy"....the song, the simple tune and the singer...just the perfect song for a happy mood. No wonder Albert, the Chinese chap at Camy Store is ALWAYS happy. I'm sure all of us can learn a thing or two from that happy man!
As for No.5, I dont think it's out of control. I think all of us, men, have to work extra hard on that most difficult part of our anatomy.
I'm just like you, difficult to control 'makan' when children are back. Ada ada aje nak ajak pergi makan tu la, makan ni la...

Mama Sarah - I've updated...just for you mama Sarah. ;)

Crimsonskye - And I know why?...Am SO happy for you too, dear!