Thursday, August 03, 2006

Am I still single?

I came across this simple quotation:

... No man is truly married - Until he understands
Every word his wife is NOT saying ...

Can that possibly be the common trait in women????? (yes Hiyoshi, I'm referring to your latest entry).........i.e. NOT saying, and and then expect us, MEN to understand your silence?

If that is the case, then I'm still SINGLE......;)

p/s: Before anyone here jumps to ANY conclusion, I'm still on speaking terms with Bea, though she does give me the silent treatment from time to time. :(


Mama Sarah said...

ini macam semua men nak claim single.

i blame you, hiyoshi!

dith said...


Ehehe....silent treatment is always the best option when a wife is angry with their hubby...but I am one who cant maintain my silent treatment for long! I'm always the one to break the ice and act as if nothing happened! hehe

(p.s. tapi bila tgh marah meluap-luap, mcm tak nak ckp setahun rasanya!)

Ikelah said...

yess! ur single, always think that way so that you wont be lonely. there are many causes of loneliness... blah blah blah....

thare was a movie ( not related to being single buy alone), this main cast had to 'create' another in his mind to keep his sanity when he got stranded on an island. we can learn something from the movie. ;)

mynn said...

you know what guys, I feel as if i understand MOST of what PMS is NOT saying but sometimes understanding something does not equate to acting on it. kan? kan?


*who started the gender wars?

Mama Pongkey said...

Make love, not war!

Mama Pongkey said...

Er, you guys know what I mean. Kan?


Mama Pongkey said...

*oh no am I in deep trouble now*

dith said...

I love to see when KKL is in deep trouble...hehe...

Anonymous said...

yeah, i prefer to make love too kkl ...

.. except lepas oncall (penat)

Mama Sarah said...

mynn maknanya lepas oncall you prefer to make war lah ya?

isykh, patik kurang faham.

pycno tolonglah make a new entry. tukar topic sikit. happy cowboys pun tak pe.

dith said...

Hmmm...I can smell a new entry brewing up in a the couldron..:p

ayumi said...


Dr. Roza - I can smell it too ;)

I guess the quotation reflects what I read in a book: most people these days HEAR but they don't LISTEN.

pycnogenol said...

Okay, enough with all these gender-wars. Thanks to you Hiyoshi, for starting one!! To ensure my continued popularity, I will not be taking sides. ;)

Go on my latest entry, and help Pycno, please.....

Anonymous said...

Can we apply the same quote to the women too? :)

"No WOMAN is truly married - Until SHE understands
Every word HER HUSBAND is NOT saying"

Dunno.. I think it would be very hard to be a mind reader. Never mind which gender :)

Mama Pongkey said...

You'd be surprised how good some women are at reading their husbands every move :D

Jamil said...

Let's put an end to all of this mumbo jumbo shall we?

"Neither man nor woman actually understand what the other is saying when their mouths are full".

Hope that cleared things up.

p.s. And neither man nor woman can actually understand what the hell this word verification thingy spells out.